Is Your Child Breathing Properly?

Facial structure, snoring and sleep apnea could have long-term effects on your child's breathing if not treated properly. Learn more from Dr. Madan Kandula.
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Published on
February 8, 2019
Updated on
May 10, 2019

We understand the importance of providing your child with every opportunity in life as many of our team members are parents just like you. So our question for you ... is your child is breathing properly? We ask because many children aren't breathing properly and without proper treatment it will have a long term effect on their life.

Hear directly from ADVENT Founder and President and father of three, Dr. Madan Kandula, on why your nose exists and the long-term effects on facial structure, snoring and sleep apnea if not properly treated.

"Today we are going to talk about how your body was built to breathe. The first thing we really need to discuss is why you have the equipment that you have. Why does your nose exist, why is it better to breathe better through your nose versus your mouth and why do so many people have problems breathing properly.

The root cause of a lot of those issues is that for many people their nose doesn’t work properly. I have been doing this for a quarter of a century and it has only been recently that I really sat down and thought about why we see so many people who have the issues that we can treat.

The reason ADVENT exists is to help people breathe properly.

Your nose is designed for a reason. Your nose is really what has been given to you to condition the air that you breathe. Almost every patient that I see with a snoring or sleep apnea issue also has an issue with their nose.

What I have learned recently, along with the medical community, is that a nose problem likely started when they were a kid and that likely lead them down a pathway to an adult that does not have the right equipment to breathe properly.

When a child is born they are an obligate nasal breather. Shortly after birth some kids are forced to breathe through their mouth and they learn to adapt to that and the problem is that when you don’t breathe through your nose that impacts you in the moment and as you grow it impacts you to become something you weren’t supposed to be. When you don’t breathe through your nose the forces that get created both in terms of moving air through your nose and the forces from the lack of your mouth being in a proper position create a situation where someone’s face basically caves in from the sides resulting in a long narrow face.

For anyone suffering from a snoring or sleep apnea issue they have a nose and throat problem - likely both of those things. If you are wondering right now if I have an airway problem then shut your mouth and take a deep breathe in through your nose and if that doesn’t feel like it is a nice easy thing to do then you probably have an airway problem.

The broader sense is when someone comes in looking for an answer for their snoring, that’s real and we want to get to the bottom of that. But to truly give someone the best chance for success and the results that they ought to have it is understanding that in order to breathe you have to breathe through your nose and if your nose isn’t built the way it was supposed to be built it is going to be a problem.

This isn’t rocket science, it is very, very straight forward thinking. The nice thing is that straight forward thinking leads to straight forward answers which leads to straight forward solutions.”

ADVENT is passionate about revolutionizing the way medical practices operate. With a focus on addressing the nose first, we utilize a team-based care approach and the best in technology (such as in-office CT scans) to provide real relief with simple in-office solutions to many patients that have previously felt dismissed by the big box healthcare system.

Take the first step to improve breathing.

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Video Transcript

First published by ADVENT on
February 8, 2019
Table of contents
Is Your Child Breathing Properly?