A pioneer in ENT medicine

Employee Group Photo at ADVENT Headquarters in the Lobby

ADVENT is a nationally recognized pioneer in ENT medicine. We specialize in office-based Breathing Triangle solutions for nasal blockage, sinus, snoring and sleep apnea health concerns.


ADVENT is known for pioneering minimally invasive nose and sinus treatments, like Balloon Sinuplasty.

Company Information


10001 W. Innovation Drive, Suite 200 Milwaukee, WI 53226

Business hours

Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm


(888) 938-3838

ADVENT Headquarters in Wauwatosa

ADVENT headquarters, located in Milwaukee, WI

ADVENT Mission

Millions needlessly suffer with constant fatigue from breathing or sleep issues because they don’t realize the root of their problem lies in The Breathing Triangle®: the two sides of their nose and throat. This is the start of your airway and when any part is compromised, it can lead to a tidal wave of downstream issues that will put limits on your life. At ADVENT, our mission is simple, we deliver healthy Breathing Triangles. We’ve pioneered simple, yet effective office-based treatment solutions that will help you breathe freely 24/7 through your nose, not your mouth…which means you get healthy restful sleep and renewed energy throughout the day.​



We’ve partnered with most insurance plans because we believe no one should have to live a limited life because of an unhealthy Breathing Triangle.

Learn more about ADVENT’s in-network insurance options here.

The Patient Journey®

Getting to the root of your sinus, snoring or sleep apnea issue doesn’t have to be complicated. This is why we’ve pioneered simple and effective office-based treatments that will help you breathe freely – so you can get healthy sleep and the energy you crave.

ADVENT History

ADVENT is an ENT medical practice that delivers healthy breathing triangles to those with upper airway health concerns. The business model is centered around team-based care, a purposeful patient experience and office-based solutions to treat nasal blockage, sinus infections, snoring and sleep apnea. Unique offerings for patients include in-office CT scans, at-home sleep studies and procedures with little to zero down time. Founded in Milwaukee, WI, ADVENT has grown to serve over 1,500 new patients monthly across 32 locations in six states.


With a belief that the healthcare system is broken and a drive to create change, Drs. Madan Kandula and Gwen Kandula founded ADVENT in 2004 in Milwaukee, WI.

Madan Kandula, MD

Board-certified in Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery, Madan Kandula, MD, has been a pioneer in developing new techniques and treatments for patients with nasal blockage, sinus, snoring and sleep apnea conditions for more than two decades. His visionary approach is demonstrated by being the first surgeon to perform Balloon Sinuplasty in Wisconsin and developing a new model of care to evaluate The Breathing Triangle® – a term that signifies the importance of two nostrils and the throat in addressing upper airway concerns. For Kandula, they are either working optimally or they’re not – and if they aren’t, no procedure or device will work in treating snoring or sleep apnea. Because of his innovative track record and unique provider-patient relationship approach, Kandula has become a healthcare leader of choice – growing ADVENT to over 250 team members and counting.

Gwen Kandula, AuD, MBA

Gwen Kandula, AuD, MBA, is a triple threat – Doctor, Mother and Entrepreneur.  Coming from an established career in audiology, Kandula is passionate about doing what is in the best interest for patients. When starting ADVENT with husband and board-certified otolaryngologist, Madan Kandula, MD, in 2004, they enacted a vision to redefine the ENT patient experience through innovative, memorable care with convenient and effective in-office solutions.  With the realization in 2018 that ADVENT had become a global destination for non-conventional breathing and sleep treatment, the Kandulas eliminated audiological services to focus on nose and throat care specifically.  This entrepreneurial pivot allowed Kandula to accelerate her cheerleader leadership style to support company growth and become one of the most engaging personalities in nose and throat care today.

ADVENT Clinic Locations

Illinois Clinics



  • "Snoring is sleep apnea's calling card..." says Dr. Kandula – MSN, Best Life | 2023
  • Your Practice Was Bought Out by Private Equity: Now What? – Medscape, MDedge | 2023
  • ADVENT Hosts Ribbon-Cutting and Sleep & Sinus Care Day at New Oconomowoc Clinic Location – Shepherd Express, WTMJ-TV | 2022
