ADVENT Reviews
See how people live better with ADVENT's proven Breathing Triangle® in-office solutions.

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96% of patients with severe or extreme nasal breathing issues saw improvement at ADVENT
Better Breathing

“Today, life is just better. I breathe through my nose, I sleep through the night, I don’t wake up with headaches, I have the energy I should have as a 37-year old.”
I would be 100% with a stuffed nose…The treatments have been great with zero pain and the relief is amazing. Don't wait, do it now!

Best decision I’ve ever made. I had a balloon sinuplasty and a septoplasty. It has allowed my sinus to drain properly, breathe more freely, and sleep better.

The amount of air that I can breathe in through my nose almost makes me emotional.

Up to 70% of people with sleep issues also have nasal issues
Better Sleep

“The snoring was so loud - my husband was sleeping on the couch every night. I can now breathe through my nose, I have more energy to play with my daughter, & my husband, most importantly is back in bed.”
This is the best medical decision I have ever made. I now can sleep on my back with NO snoring. I have no apnea. It is a game changer.

I would snore, wake up with headaches, and basically felt like a zombie…I sleep so well now…I wake up refreshed, rested and tons of energy I feel like a new person.

I used to have really sleepless nights from snoring…my care was individualized towards me and my situation...I was really impressed with the results.

ADVENT treats the root cause of sleep apnea.
Ditch the CPAP

“My wife used to wake me in the middle of the night when I'd stop breathing. Since the procedure, my wife does not complain about me snoring or holding my breath. I wish I would have done it 20 years ago.”
Snoring was horrendous…CPAP machine was a huge fail. Since having the procedure…Snoring has literally stopped. As simple as a trip to the dentist.

I dreaded nighttime…the machine would not work…my nasal passages were so blocked! I no longer use the CPAP & am happily sleeping…with the help of my mouthguard.

I could no longer tolerate my CPAP, I chose to proceed with the procedure...with improvement in my breathing that very night. I now wish I had done it sooner.

90-95% of procedures are performed in-office at ADVENT
Simple In-Office Solutions

“I had the Balloon Sinuplasty and Turbinate Reduction. Having the freedom to breathe comfortably and sleep better was one of the best things I have ever done.”
Together, we decided on the balloon sinuplasty and the minute the procedure was over, I was breathing better than when I was younger.

Since having the turbinate reduction, and the opening of my sinuses, I am able to breathe better. The procedure was a piece of cake.

“Everything tastes better” that was one of my first comments to my family after my balloon sinuplasty…I am forever thankful!