
Girl with Color Swatches Coming Out of Her Nose - Blog -The Signs in Your Snot: Understanding What Your Snot Color Means

The Signs in Your Snot: Understanding What Your Snot Color Means

The appearance of your snot could be giving you warning signs to something serious. ADVENT explains the signs in your snot. Learn more.
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Ancient Secrets for Proper Breathing (and How to Live Longer!)

You’ve been told your health is based on diet, exercise & genetics. But there's one important fact that's ignored. How you breathe dictates how you live.
ADVENT - Breathing Techniques

5 Breathing Tips to Relieve Stress Now

Stress and anxiety affect your overall health and your quality of life. One of the best ways to lower your stress is by taking the time to breathe.
Insurance Made Simple: FAQ's and Definitions

Insurance Made Simple: User-Friendly Definitions

The health insurance game is complicated. ADVENT explains the insurance terms and basics you need to know before booking your appointment. Learn more.

Insurance Terms You Need to Know

The health insurance game is complicated. ADVENT explains the insurance terms and basics you need to know before booking your appointment. Learn more.
ADVENT Mequon location lobby

Why ADVENT is the Right Fit for You

Getting to the bottom of your sleep or sinus issues is frustrating. ADVENT answers some common questions to get you on the path to living better. Read more.
Guy With Bad Breath Due to Wearing a Face Mask

Unmasking Bad Breath

What makes wearing a mask unbearable? Bad Bread...That is why we have provided some tips to help you keep your mask smelling fresh.
ADVENTing: 20,000 Breaths
Our Team

ADVENTing: 20,000 Breaths

On average, you take 20,000 breaths per day. Dr. Kandula and Dr. Handler discuss getting the highest quality 20,000 breaths on this episode of ADVENTing.
Summer Allergies Photo

Getting a Grasp on Summer Allergies

Dr. Madan Kandula and Dr. Ethan Handle discussing Mouth Breathing

Physician Leadership: The Mouth Breathing Effect

Dr. Madan Kandula and Dr. Ethan Handler of ADVENT discuss the effects of mouth breathing and how to explore your options. Learn more today!

The Truth About Medical Online Appointment Scheduling

Given how busy people are, the demand to book online for various personal appointments is high. But beware, not all online scheduling software is created equal. Read more here.

Is Balloon Sinuplasty Right For You?

Take This 5-Question Quiz to find Out:
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