Simple Breathing & Sinus Solutions in Columbus, OH (Easton)

Otolaryngologists & sinus specialists at ADVENT's Columbus ENT clinic in Easton Town Center provide simple in-office Breathing Triangle solutions, like sleep apnea treatments, snoring help, & relief from chronic congestion. Schedule now.

4030 Easton Station, STE 200
ADVENT ENT Clinic in Easton Town Center in Columbus, Ohio
Schedule Now
(888) 938-3838

Get lasting relief. Enjoy better sleep. Wake up with more energy... Schedule your appointment at the Easton clinic now

Clinic Opening Spring 2025

Insurance Coverage

ADVENT is in-network with most insurances and referrals are usually not needed.

Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield

  • All plans


  • Most Plans (Referral May Be Required)

Medical Mutual

  • Commercial
  • Marketplace
  • Medicare

Call us if concerned about referral requirement within your plan

United Healthcare

  • Commercial (Excludes Marketplace)
  • Medicare Advantage HMO
  • Medicare Advantage PPO
  • Surest

What To Expect At Your First Visit

What To Expect During Your First Appointment:

The inability to breathe or sleep well interferes with your ability to enjoy your day-to-day, leaving you feeling miserable and left out of your own life. As pioneers of the ENT field, our goal is to offer you expert medical care that meets not only your needs, but your busy lifestyle as well.

At your first visit, we'll focused on finding the facts with an exam to ensure we understand the root of your issue. We'll talk with you about your goals and design a that's plan specific to you. ADVENT is the only clinic that provides you with a complete Breathing Triangle® Evaluation. Your highly trained medical provider will immediately review the results with you and discuss a personalized plan to solve your issues.

Clinic Providers

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long will my appointment be?

Your new patient appointment will be 30 minutes long. This visit is focused on finding the facts with an exam to ensure we understand the root of your issue. We'll discuss your goals and design a plan specific to you.

What if I already tried to get help and nothing worked?

After being dismissed by their primary care doctor or given a band-aid solution at a sleep center, many patients come to ADVENT. They find success here because of our proven process Breathing Triangle® evaluation and simple in-office solutions.

How is ADVENT different than other clinics?

One of the many reasons patients choose us is because we have a 99.7% referral rate. We also do something no other ENT clinic does: we give our patients a complete Breathing Triangle® Evaluation. This evaluation is unique to ADVENT and puts a 100% focus on your airway issues. This allows us to get to the root of your snoring or sinus issue. The Breathing Triangle® evaluation has helped over 31,000 ADVENT patients breathe and sleep better.

Do you accept my insurance?

We are in-network with most insurance plans.

View the full list of insurance for your state here >

Do I need a referral?

Most insurance does not require a referral. If yours does, we can let you know.

Other ADVENT Clinics Nearby

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From the North:

  • Get on I-71 S in Berkshire Township
  • Continue on I-71 S. Take I-270 E to Easton Way in Columbus. Take exit 33 from I-270 E
  • Continue on Easton Way.
  • Turn right onto Chagrin Dr
  • Turn left onto Easton Station. The ADVENT clinic will be on your right

From the South:

  • Get on I-270 N in Madison Township from Williams Rd, US-33 W and Exit 131B
  • Follow I-270 N to Easton Way in Columbus. Exit from I-270 N
  • Use any lane to turn left onto Easton Way
  • Turn right onto Chagrin Dr
  • Turn left onto Easton Station. The ADVENT clinic will be on your right

From the East:

  • Get on OH-161 W in New Albany from Morse Rd SW and Beech Rd SW
  • Continue on OH-161 W to Columbus. Take exit 40 from OH-161 W
  • Merge onto Easton Way
  • Turn right onto Chagrin Dr
  • Turn left onto Easton Station. The ADVENT clinic will be on your right

From the West:

  • Get on OH-315 N in Sharon Township from Bethel Rd
  • Take I-270 E to Easton Way in Columbus. Take exit 33 from I-270 E
  • Merge onto Easton Way
  • Turn right onto Chagrin Dr
  • Turn left onto Easton Station. The ADVENT clinic will be on your right
Get directions to the clinic on Google Maps

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ENT Clinic in Columbus, Ohio

Located in Easton Town Center, north of Columbus you will find our Easton Clinic. ADVENT knows you want to be your best self. We understand that your inability to breathe freely and sleep well hinders your quality of life, which is why we pioneered simple, in-office sinus and snoring solutions to help you live the life you were meant to live.

Sinus infections? Snoring? Sleep apnea?

Take The Breathing Triangle® Quiz to find Out How Your Nose Ranks:
The Breathing Triangle Character
Taken by more than 38,192 people!