Symptoms, Causes & Getting Rid of Your Chronic Post-Nasal Drip

No matter how many times you cough or clear, you can’t seem to find relief for your postnasal drip. ADVENT explains what you can do to deal with it.
Man in Red Sweater with Chronic Post-Nasal Drip Blowing his Nose
Reviewed by
Janet Beeson, APNP
Published on
December 12, 2019
Updated on
July 16, 2024

Key Takeaways

  • The symptoms of postnasal drip include a tickle in the throat, bad breath, increased cough, nausea, sore throat, and frequent swallowing or throat clearing.
  • Common causes of postnasal drip are the common cold, weather changes, a deviated septum, pregnancy, medication side effects, and spicy foods.
  • Home remedies for postnasal drip include using over-the-counter decongestants, cough relievers, antihistamines, saline nasal spray, sinus irrigation, sleeping with the head elevated, and drinking more water.
  • Medical solutions for postnasal drip involve antibiotics for infections, nasal cryotherapy, balloon sinuplasty, and turbinate reduction.

*cough* *mmhmm* Is Your Throat Still Not Clear?

You've had that annoying tickle in the back of your throat for weeks and no matter how often you cough, clear, hack, and swallow, you can't get relief. It’s mucus building in your throat, which could mean chronic post-nasal drip! But before we get into that let's talk mucus...

Now raise your hand if you're interested in mucus!

No? No takers?

Yeah, mucus isn't that exciting, is it? In fact, thinking about mucus probably either makes you giggle, or grosses you out. The thing is, we don't need to spend a lot of time thinking about it at all. It's there. It does its thing. It's just part of the body's everyday mechanics that happen on autopilot.

But when you have that tickle that just won’t go know that drippy, drain-y, naggy feeling in the back of your throat. That feeling just seems like it's never going to go away. It’s post-nasal drip, a common ailment that most people mistake for allergies.

To understand where post-nasal drip comes from and how to fix it, we first need to understand the importance of mucus—why we have it and what it's good for.

Understanding Your Postnasal Drip

Postnasal drip occurs when excess mucus accumulates in the back of your throat, often causing a persistent tickle and discomfort. Mucus, a vital substance produced by your body, helps moisten and protect your nasal and throat linings by trapping debris and fighting off infections. However, when your body produces too much mucus due to factors like infections, allergies, or irritants, it leads to post-nasal drip, necessitating effective management and treatment.

To further understand where postnasal drip comes from and how to fix it, we first need to understand the importance of mucus—why we have it and what it's good for.

What is Mucus?

A Confused Man with Mucus Dripping Out of His Hands
A confused man with mucus dripping out of his hands

It's more than a funny little word you don't hear every day (unless maybe you're an ENT.) It's most easily defined as the thick and slimy substance that is produced by the glands in your body. Its primary function is to moisten and protect your lining and tissue. It also filters foreign debris and fights off invaders. The most important area it protects is the area we refer to as The Breathing Triangle®, the space behind your nose and mouth where your nasal passages and throat connect to your airway.

When your body is producing healthy amounts of mucus, it's producing about a quart per day. Yep...and guess what? You're continuously swallowing it without even noticing!


It becomes a problem and more noticeable when your body produces too much. This is when you start to experience the symptoms of post-nasal drip.

Post-Nasal Drip Symptoms

The most common symptom of post-nasal drip is a tickle in your throat.

A Guy with Post-Nasal Drip Checking if He Has Bad Breath
A guy checking to see if he has bad breath

Other common symptoms of post-nasal drip include:

  • Bad breath
  • Increased cough
  • Nausea
  • Need to clear your throat or swallow
  • Sore or scratchy throat

The glands in your nose and throat are constantly producing mucus to moisten the nose, catch unwanted dirt or particles and fight infections. You'll typically swallow it without even noticing it.


When your glands produce extra mucus, it may accumulate and drip down the back of your throat from your nose, making your throat tickle. This is what we call postnasal drip. You’ll most likely feel like you need to swallow more frequently like you have a lump or drainage in your throat. You may also feel the urge to cough or need to clear your throat often. (Ugh! Annoying right? And not only to you but to everyone around you!)

Long, untreated bouts of post-nasal drip can turn into more painful issues like sinusitis or an ear infection.

Causes of Post-Nasal Drip

Causes of Post Nasal Drip - Change in Weather, Deviated Septum, Medication Side Effects, and Spicy Food Icon

Post-nasal drip can be caused by anything from the common cold, a change in weather to a deviated septum. The increase in mucus is typically caused when the nasal lining is inflamed, irritated, or in fight mode.

Common causes of post-nasal drip include:

  • Bacterial & viral infections
  • Change in weather or seasons
  • Deviated Septum
  • Pregnancy
  • Side effects of some medications
  • Spicy food

So, is there a magic cure for post-nasal drip? Let’s take a look...

Getting Rid of Post-Nasal Drip

There are a handful of temporary-fixes and home remedies you can try to alleviate your post-nasal drip symptoms, such as:

  • Over-the-counter decongestants (pseudoephedrine)
  • Cough and cold relievers (dextromethorphan)
  • Non-drowsy antihistamines (allergy medications)
  • Saline nasal spray
  • Sinus irrigation (neti pot, sinus rinse)
  • Sleeping with your head elevated
  • Drinking more water!

If symptoms persist and infection takes hold, your primary doctor may even prescribe a course of antibiotics.

Now, at ADVENT, we recommend a more long-lasting solution for chronic post-nasal drip: get to the root cause! Many of your sinus, allergy, and sleep issues can be resolved or improved by fixing the rook of the problem inside of your nose.

With simple, in-office procedures, we can correct the causes of post-nasal drip.

Home Remedies and Lifestyle Changes

Managing postnasal drip at home involves simple yet effective remedies that can help alleviate symptoms and improve your comfort. Here are some recommended strategies:

  • Hydration and Fluid Intake: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep mucus thin and easy to expel.2
  • Humidifiers and Steam Inhalation: Use a humidifier to add moisture to the air, or inhale steam from a hot shower to help loosen mucus.2
  • Dietary Adjustments: Avoid dairy and spicy foods that can thicken mucus or irritate your throat.4
  • Sleeping Positions: Try sleeping propped up by adding a pillow to elevate your head, neck, and upper chest. This will prevent mucus from pooling in the back of your throat.3

Implementing these home remedies can significantly relieve postnasal drip symptoms. For more persistent issues, let's explore medical treatments and when to seek further medical advice.

Medical Treatments for Postnasal Drip

If symptoms persist and infection takes hold, your primary doctor may even prescribe a course of antibiotics.  

Now, at ADVENT, we recommend a more long-lasting solution for chronic postnasal drip: get to the root cause! Many of your sinus, allergy, and sleep issues can be resolved or improved by fixing the root of the problem inside of your nose. With simple, in-office procedures, we can help correct the causes of postnasal drip.

In-Office Solutions for Post-Nasal Drip

ADVENT ENT Dr. Madan Kandula Talking with a Patient on In-Office Solutions for Post-Nasal Drip
ADVENT ENT Dr. Madan Kandula talking with a patient on in-office solutions
  • One of the more permanent solutions to post-nasal drip is Nasal Cryotherapy.
  • This in-office procedure will freeze the nerve in your nose that causes chronic rhinitis, providing long-lasting relief1, without any downtime. It's fast, convenient, and offers the ultimate liberation from that tickling throat.
  • We can also do things to help your overall breathing health, like increasing the size of your tiny sinus cavities to increase the proper flow of mucus with Balloon Sinuplasty or reducing the size of your turbinates with a Turbinate Reduction.

If you think you’re suffering from post-nasal drip or other sinus issues, you may be ready to take the next step towards real, powerful relief. Schedule your appointment at an ADVENT clinic today to get started.

Preventing Postnasal Drip

You can prevent postnasal drip with a combination of lifestyle changes and proactive measures to reduce your exposure to irritants and allergens. Here are some strategies:

  • Take Daily Allergy Medication: Consider using over-the-counter allergy pills to manage allergic reactions.5
  • Keep Your Environment Clean: Regularly clean your home to minimize dust, and use pillow and mattress covers to reduce dust mites.5
  • Change Air Filters Frequently: Replace HVAC filters regularly to maintain clean indoor air.5
  • Shower Before Bed: Showering before bedtime can remove allergens accumulated throughout the day.5

Implementing these preventive measures can significantly reduce the occurrence of postnasal drip. If symptoms persist, let's explore when to seek further medical advice.

When to Seek Further Medical Advice

If your postnasal drip symptoms persist despite trying home remedies and over-the-counter treatments, it’s essential to consult a healthcare provider. Chronic postnasal drip can indicate underlying conditions such as sinus infections, allergies, or even structural issues within the nasal passages that require professional evaluation. If you experience additional symptoms like severe throat pain, fever, odor-causing mucus, or a persistent cough, it’s crucial to seek medical advice promptly, as these could be signs of a more serious infection or condition.

Simple Treatments to Help Fix Postnasal Drip

Dealing with postnasal drip can be frustrating, but understanding its symptoms, causes, and treatments can help you find relief. From recognizing the role of mucus in our bodies to implementing effective home remedies and seeking medical treatments, when necessary, there are multiple ways to manage and alleviate postnasal drip symptoms. By maintaining a proactive approach to your nasal and respiratory health, you can prevent chronic issues and improve your overall well-being.

If you think you’re suffering from postnasal drip or other sinus issues, you may be ready to take the next step towards real, powerful relief. We have simple solutions to help treat your postnasal drip. Schedule your appointment at an ADVENT clinic today to get started.


  1. Del Signore, AG, Greene, JB, Russell, JL, Yen, DM, O'Malley, EM, Schlosser, RJ. Cryotherapy for treatment of chronic rhinitis: 3-month outcomes of a randomized, sham-controlled trial. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2022; 12: 51– 61.
  2. Nunez, K. (2024, January 24). How to Treat Postnasal Drip at Home. Healthline.
  3. Clista B. (2023, October 4). Post-nasal drip home remedies. GoodRx Health. Retrieved from
  4. Gardner, A. (2023, September 10). Post-Nasal Drip Treatment Options. health. Retrieved from
  5. Cleveland Clinic. (2022, May 19). Post-Nasal Drip. Retrieved from

Video Transcript

First published by ADVENT on
December 12, 2019
Table of contents
Symptoms, Causes & Getting Rid of Your Chronic Post-Nasal Drip

Is your nose working the way it should?
