Discover the Cause of Your Sinus & Sleep Issues...In Only 22 Seconds?

Dealing with years-long sleep and sinus issues can be a real struggle. Chronic congestion, seasonal allergies, snoring, unrestful sleep, and a constantly runny nose can take a toll on your physical and mental health. The frustration is not just annoying, but also exhausting, debilitating, and costly.
If there was a way to get answers to these issues in just 22 seconds, would you say "YES, sign me up!"? Most people would gladly spend that time to get relief from life-altering sinus & sleep issues. And the good news is, this isn't far from reality. A CT Scan can provide many of the answers needed to address your issues.
By thoroughly and accurately diagnosing your sinus issues, a CT Scan helps us see the whole picture of your nose and sinus anatomy. It's an important piece of the puzzle that provides an essential blueprint for your treatment plan. With as much information as we can get from the beginning stages of your diagnosis, we're better equipped to help you reach your goals.
Why CT Scans at ADVENT Are Different…
A CT (computerized tomography) scan provides more detailed information about your bones, blood vessels, and soft tissue than X-rays can, by combining a series of images from different angles. They're performed to diagnose disorders, guide surgical procedures, identify the location of disease or injury, monitor the effectiveness of certain treatments, and detect disease.
When undergoing a traditional CT scan, you lie on a table that moves in and out of a large cylinder machine, which can be uncomfortable for some people. Depending on the situation, you may also need to prepare beforehand by fasting or receiving contrast dye injections.

However, at ADVENT, we use high-end CT machines that allow you to sit upright while the frame of the machine spins around your head. No preparations are needed! This approach is quicker, non-invasive, and more comfortable.
Not only are they more open than the standard machine they also produce 94% less radiation, making them a safer option. In just 22 seconds, we can get a big-picture view of your anatomy that we can't access with a scope alone. (While a scope is another helpful tool used to see what's going on inside your nose, the opening to your sinuses is 1mm or less in diameter. A space much too small for the scope to access - which is why a CT scan is such an important instrument for reaching a diagnosis.)

Seeing into your sinuses and getting a clearer image of what's going on inside your nose is our first step in treating downstream issues like obstructive sleep apnea. While OSA is a throat issue, improving the quality and openness of your nasal airway can lead to greater results in treating disordered sleeping.
A Necessary Step Towards Successful Results
It's important to note, scans are a snapshot in time. The nose is a very dynamic area. The tissue is constantly changing, reacting to the environment, the weather, foreign debris, your diet, and hydration. What we find in a scan one day may be different than what we'd find the next.

But we're not treating the scan. We're treating you.
A CT scan is one of the most accurate ways to get a picture of your anatomy to help diagnose your sleep and sinus issues. It allows us to see inside the nose and sinuses, identifying the root cause of problems like narrow passages, blockages, or other issues. The results of the scan provide a blueprint for a unique treatment plan. Without it, there is a risk of misdiagnosis or inadequate treatment of the root causes of issues. It's like the difference between using a penlight and a spotlight in a dark room.
After your scan, you'll immediately review the results with a physician. No additional appointments are necessary. In just one visit, you'll shed light on the issues and dive into discussions about how to tackle them.
Why continue to suffer when a quick, painless 22-second CT scan at ADVENT can easily bring your issues to light? Imagine how good you'll feel when you're finally free from your sleep and sinus issues. Getting a closer look inside your nose is the first step toward finding a solution. Schedule your new patient appointment to see if a CT Scan might be right for you.