Ron Schroeder, MD

Otolaryngology — Board-Certified ENT

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In-network for most insurance
Ron Schroeder, MD

Nice to Meet You

"Having patients share how their daily quality of life has dramatically improved post-procedure is incredibly impactful. That life-changing moment for patients is what drives me to do what I do."

My name is Dr. Ron Schroeder, and I am double board certified in Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery at ADVENT. I decided to pursue a career in medicine after being inspired by my father-in-law, an infectious disease doctor in Milwaukee. I desired to make a difference through my work and feel the same satisfaction he did. I chose the field of ENT because of the dramatic improvements that can be made in a patient's quality of life. Seeing patients’ excitement and joy after their recovery is so rewarding.

I choose to practice at ADVENT because of the concentration on minimally invasive procedures. To maximize results and minimize risks, we focus solely on The Breathing Triangle® -- your two nostrils and mouth. Our in-office procedures are designed with our patients’ schedules, needs, and desires in mind. For those who may require more complex treatment, I utilize my rhinoplasty and facial plastic surgery expertise to achieve results tailored to each patient’s goals.

When you come to see me, I want to provide you and empower you with a complete understanding of your options. I will guide and educate you so that we can make a care plan that is best for you. Together we will experience an a-ha moment where you think, “wow, this is how other people breathe?”

How I Can Help

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All the staff were knowledgeable and kind. Any potential costs to me where up front and detailed. Proceeded with treatment and resolved my breathing issues after a short recovery. Very happy with the results. Sleep better, walk not getting winded and better quality of life in general.
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It's nice to have an open airway! You don't know how bad it is until after the procedure is done. Highly recommend.
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One of the most knowledgeable, helpful and empathic healthcare professionals that I’ve met in years. She was clear giving directions and also in stating what may be the next steps to take, I was very pleased with her professional manner and her human caring
Ron Schroeder, MD

My Qualifications

American Board of Otolaryngology
American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery


Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
The Langsdon Clinic & UT Health Science Center
Memphis, TN


Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
SUNY Upstate Medical University
Syracuse, NY

Doctor of Medicine
Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine
Dayton, OH

University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI

Licensed Physician:

State of Illinois, Minnesota, Tennessee, and Wisconsin


American Academy of Otolaryngology
American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery


For most insurance, we're in-network and you don't need a referral.

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    We'll confirm your insurance coverage
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    We'll answer any questions you have about your benefits
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    We'll break down cost, as set by your policy, before any procedures
Ron Schroeder, MD

More About Me

Outside work, you can find me spending time with my wife, two kids, and a golden retriever. A fun fact about me is that I love to golf, and I rate golf courses for Golf Week Magazine. I also am a fan of Wisconsin sports, specifically the Packers and the Badgers.

Franklin, TN

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