Jennifer Kuo, PA-C

Physician Assistant

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In-network for most insurance
Jennifer Kuo, PA-C

Nice to Meet You

Hi, I’m Jennifer, your ADVENT Physician Assistant. Here’s a little about me...I started my career in medicine a few years ago and have never looked back. I previously worked in advertising and made the switch because I enjoy working with individuals and being part of a scientific field that is fascinating and ever evolving. I take pride in getting to know my patients and helping improve their lives with The Breathing Triangle® solutions we offer at ADVENT.

As my patient, I want to create an environment where you feel comfortable discussing your concerns. I promise to listen to you, validate your concerns, and have an open discussion about your care. You deserve to breathe well, and my top priority is to treat you right and help you achieve that.

I look forward to meeting you and guiding you on your journey at ADVENT.

How I Can Help

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All the staff were knowledgeable and kind. Any potential costs to me where up front and detailed. Proceeded with treatment and resolved my breathing issues after a short recovery. Very happy with the results. Sleep better, walk not getting winded and better quality of life in general.
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It's nice to have an open airway! You don't know how bad it is until after the procedure is done. Highly recommend.
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One of the most knowledgeable, helpful and empathic healthcare professionals that I’ve met in years. She was clear giving directions and also in stating what may be the next steps to take, I was very pleased with her professional manner and her human caring
Jennifer Kuo, PA-C

My Qualifications

National Certification:
National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants

Physician Assistant Studies
Kettering College
Dayton, OH

Communications & Advertising
University of Texas - Austin
Austin, TX

American Academy of Physician Assistants


For most insurance, we're in-network and you don't need a referral.

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    We'll confirm your insurance coverage
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    We'll answer any questions you have about your benefits
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    We'll break down cost, as set by your policy, before any procedures
Jennifer Kuo, PA-C

More About Me

Outside the clinic, I enjoy living a balanced lifestyle! I love staying active with yoga and weight training. I’m also passionate about storytelling in all forms—whether it’s through movies, reading, or writing.

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