When It’s Not Just the Snoring Keeping You Up At Night…

If your partners snoring, it could be effecting you. Preventing you from getting a good nights sleep, which leaves you drowsy the next day.
Confession of a Snore Partner - When it's not just Snoring Keeping You Up at Night
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Published on
November 12, 2021
Updated on
December 2, 2021

Confessions of a Snore Partner

I'm writing this from bed.

Sometimes, as I lay in the dark listening to ever-changing rhythms of my husband's snoring, I'll be struck with something new to share.

You see, his snoring keeping me awake is three-fold:

1. It's just plain loud. The rhythmic ruckus coming from his side of the bed has been enough to drive me to the couch.

2. I worry what it's doing to his body, what type of irreversible damage each inhale causes, and what kind of life he could be living if he could breathe better.

3. I get curious about the mechanics of it all.

Yes, his loud, rattling gasps for air are enough to keep me up and wake me from my own slumber. Insert all the typical metaphors … like a freight train, like a jackhammer, like a chainsaw. Loud enough to rattle the windows.

You get the idea.

And then there is just wondering about what's really going on in there. Where is it coming from? Why is it so loud?

I did some research. It's actually quite simple. It's just the vibration of the relaxed tissues in your airway. The louder it is, the more obstructed the airway is - the harder your body has to force the air flow.

Yep. Makes sense.

But what I didn't know was just how dangerous frequent snoring can be. It doesn't just cause a sore throat and a tired, cranky partner.

Snoring or, more seriously, sleep apnea can cause long-lasting damage on your internal organs and circulatory system. It can lead to heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, a weakened immune system, abnormal cholesterol, and - yep - sexual dysfunction too.

I want a healthy and restful night's sleep, but I want a healthy and well-rested husband even more. The thought of him suffering with a life-altering illness, or worse, losing him too soon...

Yes, this is all enough to keep a wife up at night.

Ah, yes, sleeping soundly … in a peacefully quiet bedroom, with peace of mind that he is breathing freely. What's not to love about that?

You Don't Have To Suffer From Snoring...

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Previous Journal Entries:

What A Crooked Nose Means…

I Exposed My Husband…

6 Ways I Stop My Husband's Snoring

The Rampant Mind: A Casualty of Second-Hand Snoring

Sleeping With A Snorer

Video Transcript

First published by ADVENT on
November 12, 2021
Table of contents
When It’s Not Just the Snoring Keeping You Up At Night…

Is your nose working the way it should?
